Posts by Pastor

“Luther” Movie Night 2017

To observe the 500th anniversary of the Reformation of the Church, we are showing the movie, “Luther”, starring Joseph Fiennes.  The movie portrays the early 16th century, when regional princes and the powerful Church had a firm grip on Germany.  Martin Luther challenged that authority and refused to back down, even when threatened with death.  Luther’s faith set off the greatest revolution in history.  We are showing the movie on Sunday, November 5th at 6:30 PM.  It is two hours…

500th Anniversary of the Reformation

October 31, 2017, is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation of the Church.  Although the Reformation began in Germany and primarily concerned the Roman Catholic Church, its effects are felt throughout the world still today. The Reformation began when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses for discussion and debate among the priests and monks of the Church.  The theses were prompted by Luther’s objections to the practice of the Church at that time of selling indulgences for the forgiveness of…